About Us
Louis H. Geigerman
Mr. Louis H. Geigerman has been a professional advocate since 1995 when he founded National ARD/IEP Advocates. In late 2006 he founded College Disability Advocates in order to assist college students with special needs in acquiring reasonable accommodations from their educational institutions. In the fall of 2007 he became a part-time paralegal with the Philpot Law Office, P.C. He has logged over 7500 hours in IEP and Section 504 meetings, over 400 hours in mediations and resolution sessions and over 500 hours in due process hearings. He is a charter member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) and the Texas Organization of Parents Attorneys and Advocates (TOPAA). He has attended numerous training opportunities in special education law conducted by COPAA, The ARC, Advocacy Inc. and the Learning Disabilities Association of Texas. In 1995, he underwent training conducted by the Texas Association of Section 504 Coordinators and Hearing Officers and received certification as a Section 504 hearing officer. In 2000 he completed the State of Texas 40-hour Basic Mediation Training. He has spoken to a number of groups regarding special education services including, The ARC of Houston, The Texas State Autism Conference, The Council of Parents, Attorneys and Advocates ( COPAA), The Learning Disabilities Association of Fort Bend County, Future Horizons the Houston Young Lawyers Association and The Northwest Houston Chapter of the Autism Society of America. He was also active in lobbying efforts for the 2004 reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. In the summer of 2007, he was featured in a chapter on advocacy in the newly released book by Scott Teel, Defending and Parenting Children Who Learn Differently: Lessons from Edison's Mother for Praeger Publishers. In 2014 he helped establish an annual endowed lecture series entitled "The Benjamin J. Geigerman Lecture through the University Of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. In 2015 he assisted in the successful effort in passing legislation in the Texas Legislature to mandate the installation of surveillance cameras in the self-contained special needs classrooms. In July 2015 he began hosting a weekly radio show entitled "The Special Ed/ Section 504 Radio Hour on http://cypressradio.org. He is a past president of The Sean Ashley House, and a former board member of the Greater Houston Chapter of the Autism Society of America and The Texas Organization of Parents, Attorneys and Advocates. He has been an adviser for a continuing series of reports on KRIV-TV Fox 26 in Houston regarding special education and the public schools. In March of 2020, he was named a recipient of the 2020 Diane Lipton Award for "Outstanding Educational Advocacy on behalf of Children with Disabilities" by the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Inc. at the organization's national conference in Baltimore, Maryland. He is the proud father of Benjamin that passed away in July of 2011 and a daughter Kayla who is employed in the marketing division of a major cybersecurity company.
4510 Redstart
Houston, Texas 77035
Email inquiries:
(281) 265-1506
Mary E. Decker
"After 31 years of serving families in public education as a Special Education teacher, a Certified Academic Language Therapist teaching students with dyslexia, a District Dyslexia, DMTSS, and Section 504 Coordinator, I'm ready to serve families in another way. I have the background and knowledge of dyslexia and special education that could be quite helpful to parents."
Michael Freeman, M.Ed
Michael brings forward a solid background in serving students with disabilities and supporting campuses to insure best practices were in place to meet individual students' needs. His professional career has included teaching, staff development, and administration. His certifications include SED/AU, Generic Special Education, Government. and Mid-Management. His undergraduate and Masters degree were both earned at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas.
He has a strong passion and belief that transition begins at birth and that services need to keep successful post-secondary success in mind every step of the journey through pk-12. His long career with a school district has provided him with first hand knowledge of what all too often happens before, during and after ARD/IEP meetings.
He was twice elected by his peers to serve as President of Council for Exceptional Children, Chapter 100; served on the board of Sean Ashley House; and was awarded the distinction of Master Instructor by Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (C.P.I.) which was based on the number of advanced trainings he demonstrated proficiency in, as well as the number of trainings taught.
He enjoys reading and camping. He is active in his Church Community and is also a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary and the Sons of the American Legion.
Email: advocacyandempowermentservices@gmail.comPat Freeze
Pat brings a range of experience to the educational advocacy table. After many years as a litigation paralegal she completed the alternative certification program at College of the Mainland. Her interest in teaching was surpassed by her effortless compassion for children in challenging situations. In addition to advocating for others, Pat advocates for her three grandchildren with special needs.
As an advocate, Pat helps parents navigate the Special Education process. She is a member of the Council of Parents, Advocates and Attorneys (COPAA) through which she has received extensive training. She was a co-presenter at the COPAA Conference in 2021 speaking on the topic, From the Trenches: Tips for parents and advocates on the most contentious areas of an IEP meeting and effective strategies for avoiding/addressing points of disagreement. Pat received a Certificate in Special Education Advocacy through William and Mary Law School's PELE Clinic. She follows the COPAA Voluntary Code of Ethics.
Pat earned a B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies and a Minor in Psychology from the University of Houston. She attended College of the Mainland's alternative teacher certification program and focused on English Language Arts and Reading, grades 4-8. She worked as a litigation paralegal for many years before becoming a full time Advocate in 2014. Pat is an Associate member of League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC).
What parents say about Pat:
Our son is on the Autism spectrum, is diagnosed with ADHD and depression, and was pushed aside by the Texas Education System, suffering in silence without a voice. We tried hopelessly to navigate a complex system, only to be told there were simply no services or programming available to assist our son's educational challenges. From the first moment we contacted Ms. Freeze, we knew that we had someone that deeply cared for children, family and the community. With her proficient knowledge of the law and education system, she advocated to ensure our son received a specialized IEP and that the District acknowledged his needs. Her strength and professional determination have been a blessing to my family when we needed help the most. (Doug A.)
Ms. Freeze is a very professional advocate who worked tirelessly for our children. The school district was happy to work with Ms. Freeze and find common ground in meeting the educational needs of my children. For years we had tried working with the school district on our own with little real success. In the course of a few meetings, things turned completely around for the better for all parties. (Tony T)
Email: pfreeze@gmail.comVeronica Garcia
Veronica started advocating in 2004 with limited knowledge for her own son. Throughout the years she has become an expert at navigating through the special education system; she continues to devote her life to advocating for those that have no voice.
Veronica has attended several ARD, IEP and 504 meetings, which at times has lead to filling multiple Due Process Complaints. She has also had extensive training and is a member of COPAA.
Creating the best individualized educational plan for your child requires knowledgeable decisions to ensure an appropriate educational experience. Allowing Veronica to assist you and the ARD committee in creating such a plan will further ensure your child's preparation for further education, employment and independent living.
Email: veronica.crespina@gmail.comDr. Janette Hahn
Dr. Janette Hahn retired after 31 years in special education. Dr. Hahn served as a Special Education Teacher, Educational Diagnostician and a Special Education Director. The last 12 years of her career she served as a Special Education Director supporting all services for students with disabilities, and provided training for teachers and staff to ensure student received services outlined in their IEPs. Dr. Hahn's areas of expertise include knowledge of 504 and special education law, Full and Individual Evaluations (FIE), Individual Education Plans (IEP) and the entire ARD process.
Dr. Hahn was a member of the Texas Council of Administrators for Special Education (TCASE), and served on the House of Delegates and a number of committees for the organization. She made several presentations for new directors during conferences the organization held twice a year. Dr. Hahn also attended all Legal Digest workshops and conferences during her career in public education. Dr. Hahn always made sure to provide training to her staff regarding legal updates and the ARD process.
She is dedicated to working with families and students. She has always strongly encouraged open door relationships with families and school systems to support students with IEP's.
Dr. Hahn has an undergraduate degree from Texas Christian University, a master's degree from University of North Texas, and a doctorate from Baylor University.
Email: dr.janette.hahn@gmail.comSondra J. Kaplan, LCSW
Sondra Kaplan, LCSW has been privileged to have the opportunity as a clinical social worker to help individuals and their families create more fulfilling lives through reaching their potentials. She is a well-respected national and international public and media speaker and instructor. Sondra has enjoyed teaching professionals and volunteers in educational, legal, law enforcement, medical, mental health, social work, and public health in academic, clinical, and community settings through her lively presentations on a wide variety of topics. Her major clinical interests have included helping children, adolescents and adults through grief and loss, effective treatment for people of all ages with anxiety disorders, sexuality through the lifespan, psychotherapy and social skills for children, adolescents and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families.
She created an original program for parents and their children going through loss and grief from divorce, and taught parenting seminars for over 20 years. She is a former psychotherapist for the C.L.A.S.S. (Changing Lives through Autism Spectrum Services) Clinic, at University of Texas McGovern Medical School, Houston. Presently, she is private practice. She is proud to be the first recipient of the Outstanding Alumna Award of the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work.
In her passion for social justice she has been an activist and spokesperson for those who seek equal rights and individual liberties, including those who have been abused, living with mental illness or neurological differences, and others who have long been silenced and marginalized.
Email: skaplan.therapist@gmail.com
Edgar Pacheco, Jr.
Edgar Pacheco Jr. serves as both a special education advocate and a parent liaison who shares his skills as our staff interpreter and translator. A native of Brownsville, Texas, Edgarexperienced first hand the difficulties faced by students with disabilities in the Valley's public schools.
Undaunted, Edgar ran for a position on the Pearland Independent School District Board of Trustees in the 2020 election and garnered 7511 votes. He has been a delegate to the Texas State Republican Convention and a National Alternate Delegate to the 2020 Republican National Convention.
During the 87th Regular Session of the Texas State Legislature, Edgar whipped the vote for HB 1252 - a bill to extend the statute of limitations for special education complaints in Texas from one year to two years. The Edgar Pacheco Jr. Act was signed in 2021 by the Governor of Texas and became law.
A graduate of Pearland High School the year before the COVID-19 pandemic, Edgar earned his associate's degree from San Jacinto College in 2021 and is currently a student at Baylor University pursuing a BA in Political Science.
Both a committed Christian and a conservative activist, Edgar advocates for students and their parents and amplifies their voices as a way of sharing his faith.
Email: mcrepubliccity@gmail.com
Misty Renegar
I began my career in education in 1988 as a classroom teacher and taught for 6 years. During my time as a teacher, I observed some of my students struggling to learn in the same manner as their peers. I wanted to know more about specific disabilities and how they may affect a student's progress in the educational environment. While teaching, I went back to school to become an Educational Diagnostician because I wanted to learn how to assess students to help diagnose their specific needs and help teachers and parents formulate a plan to help each child gain access to and thrive from their educational setting.
As a diagnostician for 28 years, I worked with parents and school personnel from the initial request for an evaluation, performing assessments, participating in ARD meetings and working with school personnel to help implement the student's service plan. My goal as an advocate is to help parents navigate the special education process, understand the language used by school personnel related to special education and help guide you and your child to be able to get the best results possible from their education.
I am now retired from public education but I still have the desire and knowledge to help students and parents. I am looking forward to working with you and your child as you navigate through the ARD and special education process.
Email: mdkrause62@gmail.com